Wednesday, May 27, 2009


... to FTP EL blog, the land of words and all things interesting!

Here's the instructions for our first blogging experience...

Create a new blog…

1) (follow the instructions)

2) (follow the instructions)

3) Purpose

a) Reflections / Journal entries

b) Upload relevant games or pictures or information that you feel are interesting / that you would want to share with your classmates (English related of course, which is anything under the sun!)

c) House rules

No -

- No Singlish
- No SMS language / abbreviations
- No vulgarities
- No insults
- No pornography
- No “sexy” personal pictures or of your classmates

Yes -
- Use of proper English
- Express yourself!
- Creative use of pictures and video
- Sharing of EL related websites / discussions
- Tagboxes (decent, NO Spamming!)
- Intelligent discussions
- Links to relevant news / articles

d) Part of informal assignment
- Journals (more than 100 words)
You may exceed the word limit

e) Suggested Titles for today :
- Idols
- My favourite food
- My favourite sport
- Online games – Good or bad?
- Why I love or hate my CCA
- Illegal downloads of songs and anime – is it right to do so?
- National Service – should girls be enlisted ?

Holiday Assignment

1) Choose any two of the following topics.
2) Decide on a question you want to write regarding EACH of the topics you have chosen.
3) Write a simple journal entry based on the questions.

a) Family
b) Stress
c) School
d) Movies
e) Online games
f) Food
g) Places
h) My childhood

You may use any other forms of media to make you journal more interesting :)